Past Usage, Part 1

What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Some believe it was bad eyesight, while others believe it was stomach trouble. This completely misses what the biblical “thorn in the flesh” refers to! Find out what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was in this video!

Context Part 3

Studying the Bible within the context of the whole reveals the true meaning of Scripture. This is good Bible study methodology. Pastor Holden and Deacon Sager reveal how to study the Bible within its context.

Context Part 2

Matthew 7:1 is the verse most often taken out of context. Pastor Holden and Deacon Sager reveal the verse’s real meaning when placed within the context of the whole Bible’s teaching.

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth–Context Part 1 of 3

Studying the Bible involves more than just reading the Bible. In this series, Pastor Holden and Deacon Sager discuss the process of how to study the Bible for yourself and the reason why doing this yourself is important.

Pastor Holden and Deacon Sager serve the Lake Saunders Baptist Church in Tavares, Florida ( ). Pastor Holden also has his own website, . He shares 35 years of Bible outlines, sermon illustrations, and witty church sign sayings.