To Whom Written Part 2
In the case of the Mosaic law, it was written to Israel. For us Christians, it was given to show us what sin is. Christ’s sacrifice did not do away with the Law, but He changed it.
Biblical Culture, Part 2
Understanding the biblical culture helps us understand the true meaning of the “two women grinding grain”; “the handwriting of ordinances against us”; “the many mansions in the Father’s House.” Discover the true meaning by watching this video.
Biblical Culture, Part 1
Understanding biblical culture explains many Bible passages that seem odd to the modern reader: Paul kicking against the pricks; the lost coin, and Jesus seeing Nathaniel under the fig tree. Discover the true meaning of these passages by watching this video!
Past Usage, Part 3
What was Paul’s infirmity? To understand this, we must first know what Aaron’s infirmity was. According to the Law, a priest with a physical disability could not serve as High Priest. But the Book of Hebrews talks about Aaron’s infirmity. A closer look at how infirmity was used in Scripture will reveal a clearer understanding.
Past Usage, Part 2
What was Paul’s infirmity? To understand this, we must first know what Aaron’s infirmity was. According to the Law, a priest with a physical disability could not serve as High Priest. But the Book of Hebrews talks about Aaron’s infirmity. A closer look at how infirmity was used in Scripture will reveal a clearer understanding.